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Trainning Indroduction

The word "training" has many meanings. Training extends an employee's intellectual range for adequate job performance through general education. Training thus means fitting the man to the job, whereas the purpose of education fits the man to his environment off and on-the-job.

Kinds of changes induced by training:
Like most forms of training, programs in the behavioral sciences aim to transmit information, develop attitudes, and improve skills. Another facet of training, representing a fairly recent shift in emphasis, is the marked interest in the development of managerial conceptual abilities in the behavioral science. The country has limited mineral resources. The biggest resource is her immense manpower. But this manpower should be properly utilized for the development of the nation. But there is dearth of Skilled & Professional manpower.

In this competitive world and to survive with the competitors, there is a need of professional management, and to develop this professional management there is a need of institutional training. The training of different nature and its kinds for different segments of the population are must.

The development of human resource, and growing demand of training for the self-development, initiated BRIDDHI – A Seat of Professional learning to introduce the training programs of different areas of different kinds, which will bring significant impact in the development of Professional Management.

The training brings development in three broad areas
1. K = Knowledge
2. S = Skill
3. A = Attitudinal Change